Friday, January 22, 2016

JAYY 1-22

It's the Friday night before I head off to Amsterdam for the weekend. I have been in Bonn for about ten days now, and it feels like I have been here my whole life. Honestly, It's an odd feeling, but after a day or two of settling in, I feel like I am right at home. I still wish it was warmer, but the snow is a pleasant sight.
My host family doesn't exactly feel like my family, but they are still awesome to talk to and incredible cooks. Most days I exchange a few words with my host parents on my way to my room and I try to talk to them at dinner. They are very patient and nice to me, but I still am hanging out in my room most of the time at home. I know this will change as I get better at German, and therefore I have some more motivation to learn it.
I'm still struggling with the German language, although I am making progress. Whenever I speak to someone I still hesitate to speak with them in German because I know I'll have no idea what is coming out of their mouth if they respond bank in German. I primarily stick to English when there's a long line behind me at the store as to not hold anything up.
The people in Bonn are, as Dr. Wasser put it, blunt. My host sister complains to her parents that the people in Berlin are very rude compared to the nice friendly people in Bonn. For the most part if the person speaks English they are nice, and if they don't well they probably don't want anything to do with me. This is understandable. I'm not offended, and I am pretty sure that's exactly how I'd act if I was in their shoes. However, having a conversation with a local is always a nice experience. This is another motivating reason to learn German.
There are a couple aspects of Germany, at least Bonn, that I don't think I'll ever get used to. First, why are the cups so small? who thought that small cups are better cups? I can't finish my meal with two gulps of water. And on that note, why is it so weird for me to order tap water? I'm not going to spend an extra two euros to get bottled water that not only tastes the exact same (the tap water is fantastic around here), but also comes in a two gulp size cup. Second, why are the doors made so that they stick out of the hinges? I'm not upset by this one. I'm just curious.
Overall, the place is pretty amazing. I'm enjoying my time here. Before this trip, I did not think that I was going to feel right at home while I was here, but that all has changed.

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