Monday, January 25, 2016

It Has Only Been 2 Weeks???

This has been the longest two weeks (or not even actually two full weeks) of my life, but in a good way. I have been doing things non stop since I got off the plane, with the exception of the first Sunday that was recover from jet lag day. I have already been to several different cities, a few with the program and one on the side, seen several beautiful old churches/cathedrals, gone on a hike, tried new food, started classes, and picked up on a tiny bit of the German language. It has been a lot for the short amount of time we have been here! It has been exhausting, but well worth it. The two excursions I went on with the program were fun because I got to experience a little more of Germany, and I have a few trips planned to other parts of Germany in the near future. I enjoy seeing different German cities and towns because it allows me to get a better feel for what this beautiful country contains and it helps me to immerse myself in the culture better. 

Classes started up this past week, and I am still trying to get myself back into the routine of doing homework and studying rather than devoting all my time to planning fun trips. Our trip to Aachen last week included a visit to Enmodes, and it was exciting to hear from a representative of an actual company, giving us an actual real-life problem to solve. I am significantly more excited for this semester project compared to last semester since this one has a real world application. I also like the fact that our class schedule is not the same every week, it keeps things more interesting and breaks up the time better. 

I took my first non-program trip this past weekend to Amsterdam. It is a really cool city. It was interesting to see how it differed from Germany, despite the fact that the two countries are so close together. I bought a key chain to start my key ring of adventures that I want to fill up by the end of the trip! The canals and buildings were beautiful, and I got to see little pieces of history in the Anne Frank house and the Van Gogh museum. It started out a little frustrating when we missed our connection train by a matter of seconds, but it fortunately that bad luck did not carry on throughout the weekend. When we got back to Bonn on Sunday night it felt like I was coming home, like this is just how life is now, and it felt good to be back. I feel comfortable and settled in here now, and I am looking forward to what other adventures semester might bring! 

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