Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who's Haus?

The experience is still in its
first stages, but now that we kind of have our routines, it’s a lot easier to
take in everything that’s going on here in Bonn. If there’s one thing I do know
at this point though, it’s that German folk music makes every class better! The
cardiovascular system and different health care systems are also interesting subjects
so I have no complaints as of now. Outside of class it’s been more of the same
adventures around town (though we did manage to keep the getting lost to a
minimum this week). Signing up at McFit seems like a good investment at this
point, but then any gym that costs 70 buckeuro for a semester might seem that
way. In other news, my streak of finding a new place to eat lunch every day is
also still intact for all who are following along at home.

The highlight of the week was visiting the Haus
der Geschichte on Wednesday. I’m not much of a history buff so it was a lot of
new information for me to take in. I thought there was an awesome amount of maintained
items from the past and was really impressed at the detail with which they
could recreate the atmosphere of those times. I must’ve taken a hundred
pictures (no flash) trying to capture all the different sections. As a side
note, Dr. Wasser should probably be a tour guide/ perennial Jeopardy contestant
as a side job with the amount of history he knows. No joke

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