Ok so this week has been pretty interesting so far. Yesterday morning I saw a spider like the one Megan was talking about. I'm sure it wouldn't have done anything but I still don't like to see pretty large spiders near my bed. Class happened and afterwords I went with Seth to the Hauptbahnhof to get train tickets to travel this weekend and to be back by the trip on Sunday to the Eifel region. Today was the history museum and it was so interesting! I haven't seen any history museums like this one and the ones I have been to usually go back to prehistoric times and don't go all the way to modern times. I want to come back again to see what was up with the Guy Fawkes mask but hopefully it'll still be there if I go back. I only wish that the museum could have had more German history on WW2 despite it being a sensitive topic. The part it included on JFK in Berlin was neat and it's always fascinating to hear the voices of people you've never known and never will.
When I got back to the house I wanted to see if the handwriting was consistent between his different papers and I found the 's' was written the same way. That was a good self discovery for the day.
So the family I live with consists of the mom and two daughters who are 14 and 11. When my sister was that age we would butt heads plenty of times however not like these two. They get along perfectly fine and the first day I got here they were talking happily amongst themselves in German and then they would switch to Spanish but then last Friday they started to argue and they argue in German so I have no idea what it's about. Their brother came from Paris and every time they argued he would tell me what it was about and it's usually over clothes since they tend to share. Yesterday night however was the worst fight so far. The sisters were yelling at each other in German and the fight ended with the younger sister crying in her room. After that they haven't fought since but I was super curious to what was going on. Despite these arguments I really like living here. The mom is so sweet and is patient while I try to properly phrase things in Spanish and the sisters have talked to me about music and places to go around in town. The mom's cooking is so delicious and I eat healthier and less meat than I do back home.
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