Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Food!

So my host family tried to trick me into eating black boar liver, and they succeeded. Surprisingly, though, it was wunderbar! Also, that's my new favorite German word, wunderbar. There was also some spaghetti looking meat that was also very delicious, the texture of the spaghetti meat was funny but it was still good. I must say, the Germans are very resourceful. It has been strange eating here since there meals are almost opposite to what Americans eat. The breakfast here are very small, cereal, bread and jam, or just cheese and bread. I have been fortunate because my host mom has been making me four eggs with vegetables and ham! And my host brother is kind of jealous... But we manage. The lunch is apparently the biggest meal here and then dinner is a small meal, maybe some  bread and cheese with a fruit. For me, though, I have a large lunch and leftovers from my host family's lunch, for dinner. I feel fortunate to have the big meals, made for an American, but for some reason I am yearning for more of a German diet, except for breakfast. Maybe just three eggs instead of four, but still.

So, since we are in Europe everything is more expensive some other students and I have been thinking how to make money while we are here. There must be something that we can offer, as Texans or Americans, that can be of service to people here. All of my thoughts have been around bringing Texan food to Germany, like what if there were a BBQ place in Bonn? I'm pretty positive that that restaurant would be a hit here, but I don't think it would be sanitary to bring a grill to the center of Bonn and start making BBQ and selling it to random people. Along with this idea, I've been thinking about cool restaurant or  pub names, inspired by the Billa Bonn. Think about this, Schlitter Bonn, Bonn Apetit, Bonn Voyage, or some other version of the false cognate with the french word bon. Until we come up with a really good idea, it looks like we are going to have to budget our money in order to do all of the things we REALLY want to do. yay.

As for the travelling, there has been none of that yet. Yesterday we did collaborate on our schedules to see where we would be able to go and when, I think it went pretty well. The only problems were trying to figure out when everyone could go to the same place at the same time, and needless to say, we had to compromise on some dates. We still are not finished but I feel like we have a better foresight of what we will do. Deuces!

I think the picture below is a picture of little jarred liver. Looks the same as what I ate but could be different. Tasty, right??

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