Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Procrastination At It's Finest

Ever since Dr. Wasser told us about this blog, I have done my best to avoid it. The problem is not the writing or having a deep fear of anyone reading my thoughts, but what to say exactly. Sure, I could explain my excitement or what I have been packing, but wouldn't it all be pretty well understood? I realize anything would suffice, but I think the best thing would be to explain my life and my way of viewing things as of now. Therefore, I can later come back and make fun of my scaredy-cat self or just reminisce on what has changed. Studying abroad has always been something I would love to do, but seemed too hard to achieve. I truly believe if it wasn't for my sister doing her best to study abroad and not thinking twice about how she would afford it, I wouldn't be here. Going to Europe has always seemed like a luxury for me, even if it's a great experience or a great stepping stone for a career. Being financially independent isnt always a nice thing when it comes to stacking up on loans to be able to travel. Of course, I refused to follow those steps my sister had taken and applied to many scholarships. I feel really fortunate to be able to pay for my trip with "free money". I guess the best way to describe how I feel as we get closer to leaving is fortunate. I feel extremely blessed to be able to have this opportunity! It's an experience that I know I will carry with me forever. Once in Germany, I want to take advantage of this opportunity and learn German! I realize this is easier said than done, but hey, at least I have taken the first steps by practicing with Rosetta Stone (thanks Chase). I hope I can convince my family to have patience and teach me. Also, I would love getting involved with the culture and food! Did I mention food? My dream job would probably consist of me traveling around countries eating everything until I would devour the entire world and my face would be on the news. Besides learning German and eating I hope to keep up with my grades. I definitely want to travel as much as I possibly can, but I don't want to sacrifice my grades in the process. Hopefully we can all achieve both in an easy manner. Alright, I admit it. I am scared of leaving the country with a group of students I don't really know. What if something happens? What if I don't get along with my host family? Or worse, what if I dont like the food?! Just kidding... That might be impossible. The point is when I focus on the bad "what if's" I get myself all worked up and scared of the unknown. Surprisingly, packing hasn't been easy. Who knew girls had so much stuff? Especially since my lack of winter clothes has made me stack up even more things. I'm sure all of us (girls) are probably going through the same trouble. Having a sister who just came back from Europe might give me an advantage though. She's my advisor on literally everything when it comes to getting my things ready. One of my biggest nervous excitements are meeting my host family. About a month ago, I received an email from the Familie S. and immediately became intimidated! I knew they spoke Spanish (they had told me they were from Spain), but I did not know my host mom was a Spanish professor at the University of Bonn and my host dad a translator for German, Spanish, and French? Having Guatemalan parents, I am fluent in Spanish, but my writing is the same as a first grader. The email they sent was extremely formal and proper using high vocabulary and perfect grammar. Just like with this blog, procrastination hit. I could not get the courage to write back. Not only is my Spanish not so proper, but my laptop and it's lack of accents on letters (how American) was not helping the situation. I knew I could nt write back in English because it would seem rude so I did my best to not seem retarded. I dont know how that worked and we will see once I get to Germany or should I say, in four days! Till then, I will keep preparing and convincing myself to not be so nervous. Can't wait to see everyone in Deutschland! Candy

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