Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bada bada da da IM LOVIN' IT

So officially I have fallen in love with this place. The people, the food, the nightlife(especially), and just everything culminates into something indescribable. Since the group arrived in Germany, it has been non stop orientation, class, tours, and going out at night, and to tell the truth i have loved every moment of it. My favorite part so far of this trip besides really starting to know everybody and having a blast with each and every single one, is getting a chance to meet the locals. The 2nd night that we were here, Mark and I missed our stop in Bad Godesberg, due to the train not opening the door, and so we got to talk to this great guy Viels. He actually walked us all the way back to Bad Godesberg from Mehlem and he took a taxi back. Then the 3rd night, we went to a pub in Bad Godesberg and got started to talking to some people that are our age. It was the guy's birthday so they were celebrating for him. Afterwards we went back to their apartment and talked for awhile. While i was there, Adrian(one of the guys) showed us his artwork, and WOW! It was absolutely incredible. I can confidently say that he is going to be famous one day with his art work. But overall, with the mix of me wanting to really know the locals and know the town, plus a partner in crime (Markie Mark) who is down for whatever, and the hospitality of the locals, I have been able to start fulfilling one of my goals of getting to really become apart of the culture.
Really, it has only been a week and I am having the best time of my life. I love the people in the group as well and the group has a great dynamic and chemistry. And for a fact I'm coming away with some amazing and lifelong friends. Oh but there is a downfall. Studying. Traveling to other countries is to come, and as well an improvement in german. I will end on this blog saying that from what I have learned this week is to not be afraid of the unknown and get out of your element, and the adventure will really begin.


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