Sunday, January 22, 2012

der Fisch

So if anything has hit my by surprise it has been the German language. It's kind of stupid in retrospect that I didn't really stop and think about it but when I can't even order what I want at a bakery I realize just how not-in-Kansas-anymore this situation really is. I am happy to report however that I have been pleasantly surprised by most of my wrong orders. I have gotten quite used to the look of exasperation on the faces of the wonderful German people that happens when they realize that I literally have no idea what they are saying, though unfortunately I have been taken advantage of a few times by restaurateurs who think I wont count my change after they change my order for the sixth time, course I can't argue my point either so they can get away with it. I suppose I should mention the bars as well, it is a very different experience to be able to go into a bar and order, well, anything really but being on the independent stay system is keeping both me and my funds limited. I keep trying to do things the same as I did them "back home" ( I really need to stop saying that and get over it ) and its just not really working out. For instance, I tried running today, and fortunately I didn't get lost, though as most of you already teased me about, I run barefoot and it was significantly colder than I was used to. Hopefully I can get used to it because freaking out German people along the Rhine might just be my new favorite hobby. As for adapting to the new language and units I am trying my best not to translate so much as to associate so that I don't have a million thoughts running through my head all the time, and its working out well. I've got the 24 hour time thing figured out to the point that I forgot the whole 12 hour thing existed until my family asked me what the heck I was talking about when I said I ate lunch at 14 today. I've tried to do the same thing with the days of the week, for instance, Sonntag isn't so much Sunday in my mind as it is the day where I have absolutely no hope of finding food. I'm not writing down translations in german class either, just drawing pictures and putting numbers and male and female symbols down next to everything and I have to say that it is working quite well, but enough of my weirdness. Hopefully by the end of this trip I will be able to order a bratwurst at that darn stand in the market square exactly the way I want it.

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