Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Exploding Berliners

Wow what a weekend.  As this was the first weekend where we could travel outside of Bonn, almost everyone set out on adventures.  I was a part of the group that traveled to Köln (Cologne) on Saturday. The entire group is traveling there on an excursion tomorrow, but we wanted to explore it even more.  It was a bit of a last minute decision, as we hadn’t planned out much to do, but it ended up being a great trip. 

The first thing I saw after emerging from the train station was the cathedral, towering above everything.  I think this was the point in the trip where I began to get really excited.  Up until then it hadn’t hit me that I was actually in Germany (I know, I know, I can’t believe it took me this long either). Staring at that magnificent cathedral, I couldn’t contain my excitement or the grin that swept over my face.  The group of us proceeded to act like tourists by taking bajillions of pictures, including a (fail) jumping one on the steps.

The inside of the cathedral was just as marvelous as the outside.  I could go on all day about the many things to see in the cathedral, but I doubt that would be very appreciated, so I will keep it simple.  The stained glass windows were breathtaking, the ceilings dizzyingly high, and the priests annoyingly abrupt.  I only say that last one because at noon we were unceremoniously shooed out of the church so that they could hold a noonday prayer.  I did not mind so much as I had already made the lap around the church once, but I had to laugh at how tired the priests sounded.  They deal with people in and out all the time so I can’t blame them for being a little bit exasperated with the crowds.  I did have time to light a candle for my grandfather before we left the cathedral. Catholics have a tradition of lighting a candle and saying a prayer for loved ones in front of saints or relics, which I have always enjoyed participating in.  It is nice to think that he is over here enjoying Germany just as I am.

After exploring the inside, we decided to head out to lunch in the old town.  After walking around or a bit, we didn’t see anything that looked good until we noticed a group of people emerge from this slightly sketchy alley.  Upon further inspection it proved to lead to a courtyard of restaurants.  We found a pizza place and enjoyed a delicious lunch.  Afterwards we headed back to the cathedral to climb the tower.  We made it up to the very tip top and had lots of fun taking pictures in the tiny stairwells and passageways.  We had safely made it to the bottom and were looking at post cards when I noticed that my thumb was bleeding profusely.  I apparently had cut it on the hand rail and not noticed.  I cleaned it up and put a bandaid on it and eventually it stopped bleeding.  As Austin told me, you’ll always remember the places that you hurt yourself! I am not sure that is exactly the kind of souvenir that I wanted but it was fun nonetheless. 

After that we just explored the shopping district, where I managed to find a karnival costume for a decent price, and then headed home.  We accidentally took the train to the wrong station in Bonn, but managed to find our way back home somehow. 

All I all it was an awesome day.  I will leave you with this image: Berliner Heaven.  
Seriously, I have never seen so many Berliners in one place! Be careful though, Berliners have been known to become explosive during consumption, so take care when eating them so you do not end up with jelly everywhere like I did.

Tschüß for now!

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