Sunday, February 5, 2023

Week 4: Same old same old

    At this point the days are starting to blur together. Classes are in full swing and we have our first round of exams coming up pretty quick. I have to say I don't know how to feel about them. I understand the material well in class, but it's difficult to imagine the conceptual questions that could be asked. I still have over a week to prepare so I'll have to find some time while we are on our study trip to continue studying. Likely the long train rides. We also had a visiting professor from A&M come and lecture to us on engineering, patents, and research projects. He definitely gave people some new ideas on how to do research for this project. We also had a Zoom meeting with enmodes to discuss our project ideas. We learned some valuable info. For now I believe my group will continue researching our current idea unless we find a solution we believe would be better.

    We leave for Vienna on Tuesday and will be there until Friday. I'm more excited about this trip than I am about Paris to be honest. I don't know why Austria holds more appeal but Paris just seems so touristy to me. After we wrap up our study tour, most of us are continuing on to Prague for the weekend. I have no idea what we're going to do there but I'm up for anything and can cross another country visited of my list.

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