Besides our first differential equations exam, this week has been fairly stress-free. On Thursday, our class participated in a small parade in Buele, in which we walked behind a float and chucked candy into the crowd. The most entertaining part of this parade was trying to toss candy into second story windows, a challenge most of us failed. Jack managed to get a few napkins into high story windows, hoping that a woman might see the phone number he wrote on them and give him a call. After the parade, a small group of us wondered Bonn, talked to drunken strangers, and began to drink ourselves. The day ended with pizza and a visit to a small club.
On Friday, the group of us not in Sweden relaxed, and on Saturday night, four of us traveled to Cologne. Upon arriving in Cologne Sud, we saw massive crowds of people packed into the streets, drinking, talking, and dancing. Our group decided to put on terrible Australian accents and talk to as many people as possible in the streets of Cologne. Kevin and I managed to fool a group of Germans into believing we were from Sidney, which led to them buying us Jagermeister shots. Overall, the experience was fantastic, and I looked forward to partying all day in Cologne the following Monday.
Sunday was yet another rest day, and Monday was Rose Monday. We crammed ourselves into a packed train early Monday morning and traveled to Cologne Sud, at Jack's request. As it turns out, there is nothing of interest at Cologne Sud early in the morning, so our small group trekked up to HBF and watched the parade. We caught candy and drink plenty of Kolsh until late that night, a night which I have no recollection. The remainder of the week continued as usual, and I look forward to my upcoming ski trip.
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