Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 4

Yeah so I'm a little behind on these blog posts...Let's see if I can remember what I did about 8 weeks ago!

We started out the week going to Leverkusen to visit Bayer, a pharmaceutical company most well-known for its invention of aspirin. It was interesting learning about how Bayer got started, the drug development process, and the current challenges the company faces. It's crazy that the whole drug development process takes at least 10 years, from the initial drug discovery to is final approval!

That weekend was also Karneval. On Thursday, all the AIB students went to a parade in Beuel. I dressed up as a cat for that (and by dressed up, I mean I drew whiskers on my face). I did switch it up the next day though and drew a scar on my forehead to be Harry Potter! That Thursday was super cold and it rained a lot but it was still fun! A few friends and I decided to stay in Bonn for the rest of the weekend to experience more of the the parades here. A lot of "Kamelle" was yelled and a lot of candy was pelted at me. I got more candy than I ever needed and the nearly-full bag of candy is still sitting in my room right now. I also got to take my host brother's adorable 3-year-old daughter to one of the parades! The highlight of that weekend was probably being able to be a part of the LiKüRa parade on Sunday. Some of the other students and I worked with Therapiezentrum Bonn and helped push people in wheelchairs so that they could be part of the parade too! Ashleigh and I helped a man named Michy, who was dressed as a minion. His face would light up with the biggest smile every time he handed candy to someone and they would say "Danke!" It was such a wonderful experience that I'll never forget.

This is the first of about 8 posts I'll (try to) be doing this weekend, so on to the next one!

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