Sunday, April 3, 2016


How was my Easter break? Oh Ha. Well as if I didn't catch up on enough sleep, today I watched a 16 minute video of someone making "extra cheesy mac n' cheese" and then casually took a nap on the couch at school. Once I finished my physiology exam on Thursday, I said peace out Deutschland, I'm going to sleep and not looking back (or waking up). And that's exactly what I did. I haven't woken up before 11:00 the past four days. Excessive? I beg to differ. Productive? Depends on what we're talking about because I was more than productive on catching some zzz's and dreaming weird things. But let's not talk about it. 

As lazy as I sound talking about my break, I did thoroughly enjoy it. A break is definitely something I needed. So I'll walk you through my break:

Friday: I never changed clothes nor did I brush my hair. I watched four movies: Anchorman, Get Him to the Greek, 8 Mile, and Blades of Glory (haha I know such girly picks) and a lot of episodes of House (TNTC (too numerous to count - sorry nerdy science reference)). 

Saturday: The sun made an appearance in Germany and I was more than ecstatic. I took Wilma and Molly outside and I juggled taking pictures of them while throwing the ball for Molly to fetch. Afterwards I had lunch in town with DeLayne and we walked along the Rhine since the weather was absolutely gorgeous. But I couldn't get quite enough... I came home and sat at the Rhine until the sun set and read and practiced German (of course).  

Sunday: Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter, indeed. I slept again and went upstairs to find that my hostmum set out lots of brunch type foods. Sehr lecker! I actually picked up what I though was bread and started buttering it because why not? I am a Bozka and take after my dad ever so well in the department of food... Anyways, I started buttering bread that wasn't actually bread. It was cake but I swear it looked like straight up bread. So tack on the calories and an inch to my waistline because I ate butter and cake together. I did ruin a perfectly good piece of cake by doing this and as a result I had two more pieces (minus the butter). It's a mystery how I don't look like a walrus. Then later that night I went down to the Rhine again (Did I mention I love the Rhine?) and met up with my friend Kyle and his host family and some friends. They started a bonfire on a beachy portion of the river. We drank beer talking around a fire. Wait, where am I again? Texas or Germany? It reminded me a little of home... Actually a lot. Then I came home and FaceTimed my family and I was really reminded of home. It was really nice to get to see everyone even if it was only for a few minutes and virtually. 

Monday: Ostermontag! Another chill day to waking up after 11:00 and watching lots of Netflix! It was lovely. But that afternoon I did get dressed and went to Köln and celebrated my sister's birthday with a couple of her friends. It was actually pretty fun despite only knowing my sister. I realized my German still sucks and I understand more than people realize I do. Definitely not word for word, but I definitely catch the jist of most conversations. It really depends on what is being talked about and how fast they are talking. But you already knew that, because I say something along the lines of that every blog post. 

So that was Monday, and then we are back today and the 16 minute mac n' cheese video. Wow. I should really do something better with my time, but Ha! There's no going back now. 

Okay -- Bis später! Tschüß!


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