Sunday, April 17, 2016

Dublin the Fun

From Paris to Dublin.
We flew from Paris to Dublin on friday night. When we arrived in Dublin we got some burgers, fries and milkshakes (which I proceeded to spill) and then went to bed. 
The next day we woke up early to go on a bus tour that took us all the way to the west side of Ireland to the cliffs of Moher. We stopped at a few places along the way but they weren't very significant places and were not interesting at all compared to the cliffs of Moher. 
The cliffs were awesome! The grass covering the tops was green as could be and the day was clear enough to see all the way across both sides and down all the way to the water and out to the horizon. It was a great deal of fun (Craic as the Irish call it) to run around exploring the cliffs. 
This trip took up the majority of the day, but when we got back we went for burgers and then went out for the night. 
The next day (today) was spent mainly doing 211 homework (booooo), but we saved a little bit of time for exploring the city and getting some traditional Irish food. I split "The Feast of Ireland" with Ashley which included all of the traditional Irish dished. It was so good but also way to much food. We went back to doing work after eating and then took a cab to the airport where I am now finishing up homework and blogging, woohoo! 
While in Ireland I discovered that the Irish are very nice people who will talk to you even though you are a stranger, a little like A&M I guess. However, they are also very frustrating because they have no idea how to walk. They walk so slowly and when you try to get around them and they know it they don't make an effort to move whatsoever. Oh well, guess I will take it as a tradeoff for being nice. 
Now time for a 6 AM flight and on to hell week. 

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