Friday, April 22, 2016

Big Event Weekend

This was the start of two pretty laid back (aka no traveling outside the country) weekends. On the Friday before Big Event, we went to the Museum of Anesthesia here in Bonn next to the clinic. Dr. Wasser gave a very informative lecture about the methods and evolution of anesthesia, and the elderly man who made the museum was super cute. It was nice to have a "field trip," even if it was only a ten minute bus ride away. 

The next day we were up bright and early for Big Event, and I had a nice early morning stroll down the Rhine to Old AIB. It's really cool that I'm able to walk ten steps out my door and be at the river. When I got there they had sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone, so I was in an even better mood. I'm pretty sure I ate about four sandwiches and took like six apples with me. I'm really glad that A&M works with AIB to bring Big Event to Germany. It feels like a little piece of home and it's really neat that we can share our traditions with people from other universities. The assignments they had ranged from nursing homes to refugee centers, and the group I was in was assigned to garden at the American Protestant Church. For some reason I always end up gardening at these kinds of things, but I don't mind. It makes me feel peaceful and one with nature and all that good scheisse. Since it was an international church, we got to work with people from all over the place and most of them spoke English. I spent most of my time with a weird mini pick thing clearing out all the green stuff from between stone tiles. It was weirdly therapeutic. After the tiles, we took a break for lunch, cleaned up all our piles of leaves, and then headed home. I relaxed for the rest of the day, which was much needed.

On Sunday I spent most of the day either sleeping or studying physiology. It was a nice break from the constant travelling, as school responsibilities started picking up pace.

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