Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bonn Marathon, The Best and the Worst

Bonn Marathon was an awesome experience, but at the same time it also did terrible things to me.

Running around Bonn was neat to me. I take busses and walk around it often, but never run it. I have also wanted to walk the Rhine since I arrived in Bonn and have not taken the time to do so yet, but I got the route along the river to run, so that fixed that problem. Running along the river was enjoyable. Running along with the boats and the current of the river was very relaxing. The marathon also had a fun atmosphere. There were tons of people out cheering the runners on, giving us food and drinks and celebrating the occasion. The best part about this were the people who were giving out bananas. I swear without those people giving bananas I probably wouldn't have made it through my legs. They were a boost of energy when I had none left. Well, that's all for the good of it.

The bad of it now. I originally signed up for the relay, just one leg of the relay. However, someone from my group dropped, so I picked up the dropped section of the relay. This meant I had to run to sections of the relay by myself. On top of this, they were the long legs of the relay. This meant that at the end of the day I had to run more than even the half marathoners. I had a break between the legs though, which I thought would be a blessing. I was wrong. It only provided me with the opportunity to tighten up and lose my adrenaline and steam from the first leg.

The first leg was fine. I kept a good pace the whole time and did not get very tired. I even opened up into the sprint for the las little bit of the leg. The second was not so good. I grew tight and tired over the break and I was struggling to keep going about half way through my second leg. Everything started to hurt, particularly my heels and knees. I ran on nevertheless. I promised myself that I would run the whole thing, and gosh darn it I ran the whole thing. I am regretting this now. By pushing myself when my body was hurting and obviously telling me that I should take it easy, I injured my feet. My left heel was hurting greatly for about 4-5 days after the marathon. Still feels a little funny. My right foot didn't start hurting until recently but it is even worse than the first pain. Currently hoping that it just goes away. It can be quite difficult to walk if I have been on it for a long period of time. Well, thats all folks. Don't run two legs of a relay. Especially if you have no trained at all.

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