Monday, April 4, 2016

Beautiful Bonn

Well tonight I learned that Red Bull affects me more than I thought. I drank one earlier this evening to help me get through some of the physiology book, expecting to sleep afterwards. PSA: Red Bull and coffee DO NOT have the same effect. So, since I cannot sleep, I decided I would share a little bit about how I love Bonn and about this past weekend. 

This past weekend was very relaxing. Spring break happened, immediately followed by Easter, so there has been a lot of traveling lately and it was nice to recuperate from all the exhaustion that tends to come from traveling. I love Bonn, and I realize it even more now that the weather has started to be beautiful. It seems as though on April 1st the weather realized what month it was and decided to finally give us spring. A student from North Carolina came in on Friday to live in my house with my host family also. He is only staying for 2 weeks, then he goes somewhere else for 2 weeks and goes home. I feel kind of bad for him because with a program like that you don't get to immerse yourself in a place as well, and just as you start to feel comfortable you have to pick up and leave. I suppose it is an excellent opportunity, but it hard to understand a place in just 2 weeks. 

The Big Event was Saturday, and I enjoyed participating in the biggest international Big Event! I didn't go participate last year, so it was cool experiencing it for the first time abroad and getting to help out communities outside of the Bryan College Station area. I was helping out a church with yard work, shaping hedges and picking up sticks and such. It was a beautiful day to work outside, so that made the day even better. I was also lucky because I was placed in a location just down the river from my house, so afterwards I walk home along the Rhine. 

On Sunday I started preparing for the rough academic week ahead. With two tests and two difficult BMEN 211 assignments, this week will definitely be full of studying. Actually, from here on out I will hardly get a break until finals are over and we are packing for home! I took another really nice walk along the Rhine on Sunday as well. I could have walked out there for hours, but I had to force myself to turn around and do homework because I couldn't afford to put things off. Admittedly I got less done then I planned (as usual), but I did finish some things, so I call it a success. 

I am sad that the program is coming to an end. I am sure I am going to put that in every blog post from here on out, but it is true. I have been reminded that we still have 4 weeks left, but those weeks are going to pass by so quickly with tests, presentations, trips, and finals. We are going to be extremely busy studying and working our butts off since we are nearing the end. I do not want to leave, if I could just bring my family and a few more friends from Texas here, it would be perfect.  Ich liebe Bonn und ich liebe Deutschland! 

1 comment:

  1. Hoping that family being there includes me cause if you stay, I'm coming!!! Miss you a lot!
    Love you! G
