Sunday, April 24, 2016

Full Recovery

[Somehow I managed to screw up Copying and Pasting. I am truly a beacon of hope for humanity's intellectual future. This one is supposed to go between the last two, 'Bucklin' Down' and 'When in Rome...']

Coming down off yet another week of vacation was no easy task, but somehow I managed to pull it off. This week was when things really began to settle down and shift into serious-mode. After all, we only have about a month left back before we’re all done for the year. Crazy, isn’t it? I feel like I just got here, that I still have so much left to do. I can barely speak any German! Where has all the time gone? Wherever it went, there’s not enough left for panicking, at any rate.

Class was fairly quiet, as usual. But there was an undercurrent of tension, that low rumble that drifts in as teachers begin to think about what they want to put on their finals, and how much of it. Our homework load has stepped up quite a bit. It’s not much more difficult, considering our progress, there’s just a lot more of it. Doesn’t matter how easy something is, it’ll wear you out eventually, you know?

The highlight of the week was definitely our visit to the Horst Stoeckel Museum of Anesthesiology. From the old glass jar 1800’s dentists would fill with ether to knock out their patients to modern assemblies capable of delivering several different drugs simultaneously and automatically. It also held some rather grim reminders of the past, like one of the original Iron Lungs from the great Polio epidemics of the 40’s and 50’s. All in all though the museum’s message was an optimistic one, showing the huge leaps and bounds medicine had made in such a tiny span of time – only about a century and a half. It helped that we got to speak with Horst Stoeckel himself about many of the pieces in his museum, including his own personal developments on display. Talking with someone who helped shape the content of his own museum was certainly an experience.

He of the Name – Revo

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