Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sweaty Bus Rides and Cool Medical Stuff

To start the group excursion to France we went to Beaune and Colmar. These quaint little towns provided nice areas to walk through town and unique medical related museums to visit. These were very interesting to see. It is amazing to see the similarities between certain aspects of medicine and the tools used long ago and now.
We travelled to these two towns by bus. Busses are never too comfortable, but this one was a particular problem since it was hot. Hot, long bus rides. Yum. I have trouble dealing with the heat in general. I can tolerate it fine, but I am never in too good of a mood if I am anywhere on the warmer side. I have always been curious as to why this is the case. Some people seem to enjoy the heat and can be happy a something that is happy when they are hot as something that it really hot. I cannot. I am happier when I am on the colder side. There are people who are not happy on the colder side. It would interesting to see if there is any physiological cause for this or if it is entirely personal preference derived from genetics and the environment in which we are raised.
Anyway, the museums we visited were all great and provided us with good real life examples of the things we have been learning about in the History of Medicine as well as some new things on top of that.
These two towns were great, the bus rides were ehh. One thing that made the bus ride bearable was the fact that I was on it with my friends, and when friends are trapped with nothing to do for hours they tend to find something very entertaining to do, and so we did. We played a version of telephone where you start which a description of a picture or the picture itself. The person next to you have to guess what it is if it is a drawing or draw what it is if it is a description. This goes on, one person passing to the next around the bus until that drawing has reached a final form which is almost never what it started off as. It is hysterical to see where things fell apart and how ridiculous some of the drawings/descriptions get. For example, one of the descriptions started as Elaine sleeping and being a gangster and ended up being a fat lady pooping as she jumps off of a cliff... Now if that isn't entertainment then I don't know what is.
That's all folks.

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