Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Week Four: *exasperated sigh*

Firstly, I'd like to start by saying where the hell did all these deadlines come from, and where has all my money gone? Thus far I've been planning for spring break while simultaneously focusing on school work, and socializing with my host family. Oddly enough the social aspect of my life has become the easiest thing I've been tasked with, which is saying a lot for a clumsy awkward introvert. 

I'm quite excited for March, but it's approaching much faster than I'd like. I'm finding it very hard to study so far. Part of my focusing problem, is due to the fact that I don't have my own space and it's much more difficult to concentrate around others, but hopefully all of that will change when I get my first terrible grade. If i were to compare this week to anything, it would be like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. Or maybe standing in front of oncoming traffic. I could easily avoid this impending disaster, if only i could get my life together and actually work. 

On the other hand, this week has been pleasant in the sense that I actually spent time doing things I want to do in a rather independent fashion. I've been booking tickets to attend events in the surrounding area. And Sunday I went to  Avenged Sevenfold - Disturbed- Chevelle concert in Frankfurt. Which was kick ass by the way. I don't know if I should cuss in these things, but that's the only appropriate way to describe an awesome heavy metal concert.

In the familial sector, things are pretty great. I've eaten a family meal with my host parents, their granddaughter, and their nephew. Which was all spoken in German. Since my host family realised I understand more German than they thought, they only speak to me in German. I have good days which I understand 94% of the conversation. Then I have days when I forget what "Unterricht" means. All in all I'm really grateful for them. -- My host mom has bestowed upon me a Karneval costume which she also tried on herself. 

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