Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week 6

This weekend was Karneval. In the Rheinland of Germany the people celebrate Karneval from Thursday through Monday the weekend before Ash Wednesday. It is essentially a giant party with parades and candy and drinking and everyone dresses up in costumes. We started the celebration on Thursday morning and went to a parade in Bonn. We all dressed up and watched the parade and caught lots of candy. Unfortunately all of the engineers had a test on Thursday night so after the parade we spent the rest of the day studying. But after the test we all went out to continue celebrating.

On Saturday we celebrated Claire's birthday. There was a parade in my neighborhood in Villich Muldorf in the afternoon that we all went to. Then we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant in Bonn. That night we went dancing at some clubs in Bonn. The first place we went only played German Karneval music, which we didn't really know so we left and went to a second place. The second place we went played lots of American music that we all knew and was a lot of fun.

Monday during Karneval is called Rose Monday and is the biggest day. So we woke up at the crack of dawn and went to Cologne for the big parade. We got to Cologne and found a spot near the start of the parade in the front row and waited for about an hour for the parade to begin. This was by far the best parade we saw during the week. The floats were super impressive and they threw lots of candy. We also got lots of flowers which was in the end better than the candy. The parade lasted for about 5 hours so afterwards we were all exhausted and ready to go to bed. Overall it was a great weekend but now I'm super tired.

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