Starting to gear up towards taking the physiology test this friday. I got my textbook in this last week so there was some perfect timing to that. Everything seems to be going alright as far as the rest of my classes. I did have one issue with turning in an online assignment because MyITLab pearson was down and it wasnt back up until the middle of the night when i was asleep so I missed that deadline. I am really enjoying the group project in physiology. Seal team 6 is really working well together in how we bounce ideas off each other. I am eager to hear back from enmodes on the questions we generated last friday. Hopefully with some clearification we can make some more progress on our ideas.
I friccin loved the soccer game, What a cool experience it was to see a match in person and to be there. Even though the team I chose to support didnt fare too well it was still fun to become a fan and experience the bundesliga. This week I really need to bear down on my school work as I will be leaving from cologne friday at 7PM to go to dublin this weekend. I will be heading to dublin myself. which I am wondering how will turn out, but solo-backpacking has been on my bucket list and this will be a good first taste.

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