Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 5 - Munchin in München

Week 5 was pretty dandy honestly.  Had a fun time and guess what I also went to Munich.  Munich was really really cool.  We got there late Friday night and just stayed in at the hostel and played cards and listened to music.  The next morning we woke up at the butt-crack of dawn and rode a train for 2 hours to the castle that Walt Disney modeled the Disney castle after.  But before we get there let's talk about the train ride.  We had to take 2 trains and the first train wasn't bad.  The group of 6 that I went with had seats and were able to sleep a little on the ride.  However, we had to switch trains... Let me tell ya, not as glamorous.  This train ride was a little more than an hour long and 4 of us weren't able to get a seat.  We sat on the floor for the ride.  When I got up my right leg from my knee down was more numb than any anesthesia could do. It felt like I was walking on a nub.  After the bus ride we went to two castles, one was a hunting lodge and wasn't that cool, but the other was a full grown castle called Neuschwanstein Castle.  It was pretty neat and would recommend going to.  After that we went back to Munich and got dinner at Hofbrauhaus, which was this super traditional amazingly delicious restaurant.  After that we went back to our hostel and hung out some more and then went to sleep.  The next day we went to Dachau.  Dachau was extremely heavy, but such an amazing trip.  It was such an eerie feeling being at the same places that such atrocities took place.  It was an experience unlike any other.  Would most definitely recommend going.  Afterwards, we went and ate and then we went back to Munich to catch our train to go home.

Wait that's not all!  At Munich's HBF we went to this quick, and cheap Chinese restaurant to grab some food for the road home.  So we all got the same thing and then we wanted to get some egg rolls.  So we were trying to communicate that we wanted 8 egg rolls.  Unfortunately and somehow we managed to ORDER 32 EGG ROLLS.  That's right 32.  A THREE AND A TWO RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER.  It ended up being okay because we ate them on the way home.  But anyways that was my week 5.  Hope you enjoyed and I hope it appeases the great blog overseers @Nicole.  Until next week.

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