Friday, February 22, 2013

The more I learn, the less I know

This week was absolutely  better than anything I could have imagined; we just finished our trip to Vienna. I learned more than I probably ever have in one week, and we didn't even have "classes" in the normal sense. One thing has struck me about all of the great things I learned though: the more I learn, the less I actually know. Learning about famous psychologists and abnormal anatomy and blood bank processing and the history of medicine has just shown me how much I still have to learn! I tried to soak up as much information as humanly possible, because lets be honest, everything was interesting and pertinent to what I love and what I want to spend the rest of my life studying (medicine) and I was doing it in the beauty of Vienna, Austria. The more I tried to soak in, the more questions I had; the more I wanted to learn MORE about the topics discussed. Money aside I would have probably bought a book on every topic discussed and already tried to have read it by now. This trip truly re-invigorated my sense of self and reinforced for me why I spend hours studying what I study. I have an innate NEED to continue learning all this information; I want to find out and learn as much as I can about all these topics. I really have to applaud Dr. Wasser in this aspect, the man is a fountain of knowledge on so many different topics. I enjoyed being able to ask about practically anything semi-medical related and having someone there who could answer it on our walk to dinner or on the train ride or any random time, really. This trip was extremely important to me and I will remember it always for pushing me through the "Sophomore Slump" that I felt like I had become entrapped in.

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