Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Here Comes the Sun"


"Little darling It's been a long, cold lonely winter
Little darling It feels like years since it's been here.
Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right
Little darling The smiles returning to the faces 

Little darling It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right!"

I could only have this lyrics and it would almost perfectly explain my week!  Being able to see the sun has seriously changed my mood and even outlook on Germany. Supposedly here even the local culture changes with the season. I've been told that once the sun comes out people are more friendly and smile and talk more which will be a welcomed change!

Proving that under all of those clouds there really is a sun and blue sky!!!

Big things that happened this week:
1. We found out the destination of our blind book: Zurich, Switzerland! (AKA literally the most expensive city in the entire WORLD! little worried about that... haha) We're all really excited though and its supposed to warm that average when we visit!
 2. I got to wear shorts outside TWICE this week, although the first time I got some really weird looks the entire way home from McFit
3. I realized I really miss milk, eggs, and dryers! I have a new appreciation for them. Anyway, I finally bought some milk and may have overdone it. 1/2 liter in 10 minutes wasn't the best idea but it tasted SO good!
4. FOUND AN AMERICAN BURGER!!! There's a little place down the road that services american cuisine and even has an English menu! Also may have overdone it with that, but after living in a vegan/gluten free/lactose intolerant house I was craving meat! Don't get me wrong though, my host family are excellent cooks and work miracles with soy, the food has been exceptional!
I'm pretty sure it was just a mediocre burger but it tasted Glorious!
 interesting fact:  Here they service there burgers with a " hamburger sauce" which is some
 mixture of mayonnaise and thousand islands dressing and no pickles despite the fact that we're in Germany!

5. Went to a classical concert on Thursday which was good!

6. The coolest thing this week has been getting to go view a surgery in the Bonn Uniklinic. They split all of the students up so only 1 or 2 were in each surgery which meant we got to be up close. No viewing room, just standing directly behind the surgeons while they prepped the get, made the incisions, and performed everything! All the doctors were really nice and surprisingly calm throughout the entire surgery. They just listened to music and had lighthearted conversations in the middle of slicing this guy up! They even took our question and pointed out stuff during it! The patient I watched was having a bunch of stuff done after already having most of his jaw and trachea taken out in 2004. We watched them take a skin patch from his leg, open his neck/throat, do a bioposy of a lymphnode, cut open a carotid vein and remove atheroscleroic plaque ( which we got to handle!) and insert a shunt around the region. We started to get to watch teh removal of his larynx but had to leave before it was completed. I bet right now you're feeling really bad for the guy, but hold your horses for a second! The most scandalous thing of the trip yet: The guy was a KKK member/ neonazi. How do I know this? He had a HUGE Ku Klux Klan tattoo across his chest. At first I thought it was maybe just surgical marking so I asked the doctor, and sure enough! It was his membership tattoo.... My sympathy went down a whole lot in that moment.

7. Went to the first young adults small group through my church with two of my friends. It was really awesome to be at a bible study with people from all around the world but who still have a love and passion for the thing you do. I'll definitely be going back!

8. I found a gelato shop just half a mile up the road from me that sells a single scoop in a cone for only 0,70 Euro!!!!! I get fat in the next 3 months blame this place:
Eis Olivetti: Home of the 0,70 Euro Gelato Cone

8. Found out how Germans roll with their Nutella: one KILOGRAM jars of nutella
I kid you not, one kilgoram!
9. Karneval is coming up real fast and people are all dressed up in costume. Today on the way home from church it sat down next to a group of older women dressed up as Geisha women and frogs. Honestly, its getting kind of creepy haha But I still want to be a part of it! We'll see what kind of costume I can find for the AIB (my school ) Karneval party tomorrow night!

10. Last thing, superbowl is TONIGHT and hopefully I'll be watching it even though it starts at about 12:30 at night here. Really looking forward to a little taste of 'Merica!

1 comment:

  1. Another fantastic week and we are glad the sun is shining on you. Enjoy the Superbowl but don't tell us who wins since you are 7 hours ahead of us.
