Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nein Cookie!

Today was a sunny day the second time I have seen sun in my 6 weeks that I have been here. I had decided to where my contacts to the museum Koenig... which you all should visit btw ( we have a free entrance coupon) unfortunately I could not find them. So I decided to try to look later, maybe they were in my backpack or in my room. But that didn't seem right I knew I had left them in the bathroom.  I asked my host parents if they had seen them. They had not. I figured Cookie their cat took them. So my  host dad decided to help me out and I showed him where they were.
And he was like "Cookie doesn't get up here" and I was"OH YES he does, he gets up on the counter and opens all the drawers."
"Nay. Really?"  "Really." and I proceed to tell him that Cookie is a mischievous little schisse and thieves all of my stuff. My makeup brush goes missing periodically... along with other things. Then, proceeds to jump at your face when you round the corner and all over my bedroom furniture. Not to mention makes me run late every morning because as soon as I open my door he runs right in runs around all over the room.
That darn German/ Turkish cat. I will get him back....
Eventually I found my contacts tucked away in a corner between the wardrobe and the wall. No, rather I stumbled upon them. Note: I manage to find things even if I am not looking for them. Thank my mother who manages to "misplace" everything and cannot find the broom.

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