Friday, February 8, 2013


If you like mardi gras in Louisiana than the carnival in Cologne is the place for you! There is nothing like waking up at seven a.m. to get dressed in a colorful, goofy costume and heading to town. Everyone met up at nine to head to the little village where the first parade was to begin. There were clowns, animals, masks, and feathers everywhere. There were no limitations on what you wanted to be and you would fit right in. One peace of advice would be to find a warm costume cause here in Germany the weather is not always so nice. For Americans this is like a huge outdoor Halloween party with a parade, candy and lots of alcohol. The only difference, here in Germany it begins early in the morning. By the time the parade got in mid swing there were drunk people yelling and screaming having a great time. I also found myself in a candy war with one of my professors! I was paying attention to the parade like every body else when one of my professors from across the street started throwing candy from the parade at us. I enjoyed the candy war across the parade and had a lot of fun. I feel sorry for who ever has to clean up the street after the whole carnival. By the time I left the place was an absolute mess. There was trash every where but the worst part was all the alcohol containers that were kicked around and dropped on the ground. Almost every single one of them was broken and broken glass was everywhere.

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