This week the reality of how close our departure date is really hit me. I wanted to soak it all in and enjoy every moment but at the same time we have tests to prepare for and school work to finish. Nevertheless, I was determined to enjoy this week!
On thursday we had to chance to visit Bingen and Andernach. I had been especially excited for this trip because we specifically went to see the Hildegard von Bingen museum. Hildegard is a saint in the Catholic church, and I had heard about her spiritual teachings before, but I had never known how much of an impact she had on the medical community. I enjoyed this excursion a lot!
On Friday we had our lab exam and when it was over I headed to Cologne to meet my best friend from high school. She had planned a trip to Europe before I had decided to come on this study abroad trip, so it really worked out that we were able to see each other. We spent the weekend in a small town in Germany called Olpe at a Franciscan convent. It might not have been the traditional way to spend a weekend, but I loved every minute of it. My best friend Eileen is joining the convent in the states this coming September, and she had met some of the nuns in Germany when she was on her study abroad two years ago, so we were able to stay with them. It was a quiet weekend which I really enjoyed because it helped me to reflect on everything that I had experienced thus far. I was also grateful for getting to spend time with Eileen!
I got back to Bonn in the afternoon on Sunday and spent the rest of the day studying for my physiology test monday. I was glad to be able to have gotten back so early to study. The trip was very much worth it, even though I had a test two days after.
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