Monday, April 15, 2019

Bubbles and Cherry Blossoms

April 9th, 2019- enmodes

I woke up at 5 am. I had to shower, turn in a math quiz, and catch the 6:35 am train to Bonn Hbf. I completed all my missions and arrived at the bus stop 10 minutes from Bonn Hbf on time. We were all headed to Aachen to visit the Hemholtz Institute and present our preliminary team designs to enmodes.

We arrived at the Hemholtz Institute where we got a tour from a mechanical engineer who was now working on cardiovascular devices. The tour included seeing multiple generations of artificial heart valves, artificial valves, and the labs which they use to test their designs. In one of the labs, there was an amazing poster with a gorgeous solid works rendering. It was exploded view of one of their devices. The surfaces were curved, the color and materials were all different, and there were intricate cuts. As you can tell I was very impressed.

Back Story: I am helping with the solid works for the enmodes presentation and it is hard. Seeing that I just wanted to shake the gifted hand of the engineer that modeled it. Literally, it was beautiful!

We then went to enmodes and gave our presentations. No, I can not tell you it is classified information. However, I can tell you the enmodes team is pretty awesome and super nice. During this time, we also ate lunch as the other groups went inside and I worked on math in the lobby (we had a math exam that night).

After everyone had finished presenting, we finally loaded back up on the bus and got to go to enmodes manufacturing facility. They have a giant plastic bubble clean room at their manufacturing facility and the people inside have to wear those full body suits. It looked like a lab in a superhero movie. It was super cool. Once again, I am limited on what I can say but it was super clean, super bubble, super cool (lol).

We then returned to Bonn where I took my math exam before going home to crash.

April 10th-April 13th, 2019- Cherry Blossoms

So, as I walked around Bonn this past week, I began to notice something strange. There were a lot of tourists everywhere (And before you ask, no I am not a tourist! I am a resident and I have the papers to prove it.).What could bring such people with cameras and headphones to my calm city of Bonn? The Cherry Blossoms. They are absolutely gorgeous. The trees line particular streets in Bonn creating a cotton candy pink awning of soft blossoms against a strikingly blue sky. Another reason to return to Bonn I guess. I just love this city!

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