Monday, April 30, 2018

The week I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life

The only reason I was excited to go back to school was for the uniklinik excursion. I have dreamt of being a doctor since I was a little girl. I was so excited just putting on scrubs. During this excursion I watched three surgeries. The first was a vertebroplasty. This procedure is used to stabilize patients with spinal fractures. Next I had to opportunity to observe a hip replacement and nasal endoscopy. It was amazing to witness the surgical teams work together to heal their patients. This semester I have learned a lot about the evolution of medicine. There is an amazing amount of time, money, and research that goes into developing medicine. Knowing the amount of effort behind each surgery made me appreciate them even more. This day just further affirmed my love for medicine and desire to become a doctor.

The rest of the week was pretty routine. My days were filled with classes, studying and trying to fit in some exercise. Spending all day at the AIB made it difficult to find time to work out. One of my favorite ways to exercise was to run. Running allowed me to both exercise and see around Bonn. When the opportunity came up to run in a half marathon, I was excited to sign up. I had run in several 5 and 10 k but never a half marathon. The distance greatly intimidated me, but with my friend's encouragement, I signed up.

The week ended with an excursion to the anesthesia museum. Fortunately, we were able to meet the owner of the museum. While at the uniklinik earlier that week, I learned a lot about current anesthesia practices. The lecture at this museum complimented what I had learned very well. I had never been particularly interested in anesthesia but this week made me more curious about the practice.

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