Sunday, April 29, 2018

13. Sport ist Mord

Monday I had my presentation for pharmacology about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in space and the steps that need to be taken with medicine in space before deep space missions are possible (I had just finished reading the Martian and who doesn’t love Elon Musk). Wednesday and Thursday was spent working exclusively on our enmodes project with the occasional gelato and ping pong breaks. 6 cups of coffee and an uncountable number of peanut M&M’s (thanks for sharing Madeline!) later, we finally left the AIB at 12:30 in the morning. Friday we had our enmodes presentation, 2 months of work culminated in the final presentation to the enmodes engineers. It went swimmingly. Friday was also Nicky’s birthday, she turned 21 and suffice to say we had a great night! Everyone was ready to let loose and celebrate finishing enmodes and Nicky’s day. We started the night out at Taco bar, then moved on to Carpe Diem and ended the night at the McDonalds per Nicky’s request. As much as I hate McDonalds, the birthday girl has a point it hits the spot when you’re drunk slightly inebriated. I have eaten at macas more in this four months in Germany (four times total) than I have the whole rest of my life combined.  My love for heels proved to be super impractical per usual, walking in heels on cobblestone is a bitch. I’m convinced German men designed cities with cobble stones to keep women from being able to run away. Saturday was our international Big Event charity day, we went to a distribution center and sorted clothes and put together hygiene packages for homeless people. We worked outside and the weather was gorgeous, spring has finally reached Bonn and it is a nice 26 Celsius (a balmy 78). After the charity day we headed to Cologne to check out a tattoo studio and carb load for our marathon runs Sunday. I woke up bright and early Sunday morning, ate a banana and got on the bus in the rain to go run my half marathon. Thankfully the weather cleared up and it was sunny. I definitely didn’t train as much as I should have but my goal was to run the whole way. I didn’t even stop for water breaks, just grabbed some water and tried to dump it in my mouth while running, which is harder than it sounds and I ended up dumping half of it down my face and shirt. You know you’re running a half marathon in Germany when somewhere around mile 7 some guys at a water stand are handing out sausage and beer instead. I’m not lying, at one point I was running with a Fruh beer in one hand and a sausage in the other and thinking to myself this may be the most German thing I have ever done. Mile 9 started to get really shitty, but I kept going. And then I got lapped by the first place male marathon finisher. He was flying. It was so damn impressive.  I ran the marathon in a slow 2:32, it wasn’t pretty but I am really proud of finishing. Maybe I’ll start training for a full… After the half we went to the Hofgarten and recovered the German way, enjoying a nice recovery beer or two and pretzels, sausage, donuts, bananas and a whole lot of waffles.

The upside to running 13 miles: you can eat whatever you want that day with no guilt because you worked your ass off for those waffles dammit.

The downside: It takes you twice as long to move and each step feels like your legs will fall off.

Excuse me while I go hop into an ice bath.

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