Sunday, April 8, 2018

Adventures in Germany: Week 12

Three weeks from today I will be leaving Germany.  HOW TRAGIC I'M NOT READY!!!! Ugh, but I can't think about the future now because this past weekend was seriously one of my favorite weekends so far.  But before I get to all that, I will talk a little bit about the last few days of school last week.  On Thursday we got our test grades back for our second Physiology test.  Thankfully, I passed this time but I was still not too thrilled with my grade.  A lot of us were annoyed by some of the test questions as some of the answers that were marked wrong could've easily been counted right. I particularly was annoyed with one question about tetanus, as I believe that semantics cost me the three points, but alas, I wasn't too upset.  We also had another Phys lab that day, which was quite uneventful which I appreciated.  Our final lab exam will be in two weeks but I don't think many people will actually study for it since those are so difficult to pass.  Also, we had our last Pharmacology class before we present our presentations on Monday.  I have been working intensively on my project since Friday and I am OVER IT.  I feel like I didn't do that great of a job on it even though I worked easily around 8 hours on it.  My topic is the question, "Can vaccines be used to counter antibiotic resistance?" My topic is pretty boring so I struggled to make it exciting and fun.  Hopefully she doesn't take that into consideration when grading my final presentation.  Also, I am very nervous to present because we have to talk for about 10 minutes and I have never given a presentation that long by myself.  Hopefully, I will be able to calm myself down beforehand so I don't rush through it and screw myself over.  Also on Friday, we had another Enmodes work day.  Our final PowerPoint presentation is almost complete, which makes me wonder how much we actually have to do next week before our presentation this upcoming week on Friday.  Overall, this next week is definitely my 'hell week' as we will be at school from 8:45 am til at least 6:00 pm every day to work on Enmodes on top of the two gigantic presentations I have to give next week.  So my hot mess level is pretty high right now.

But on a brighter note, my day yesterday was absolutely amazing!  We started off the day in Cologne before The Wombats concert that night!  After eating breakfast with my host family like I normally do when I'm in Bonn for the weekends, I caught the 12:46 train from Bad Godesberg to Cologne.  Like the rebel I am, I decided not to buy a ticket to save some cash.  Thankfully, I never got asked to show a ticket.  Once I arrived, I walked to find my friends at a nearby department store.  After they finished their shopping we got some gelato which was great since it was a sunny day!  The temperature yesterday was about 75 degrees Fahrenheit which was lovely since it was the first day I've been able to wear shorts outside since coming to Germany.  After finishing Gelato, we had to run a few errands as Lexie needed some running shoes for the marathon next weekend while Izzie needed to buy a new phone charger from the Apple Store.  After finishing errands we walked to a local flea market which had so many nifty shops.  After doing some window shopping we all got poutine at a nearby restaurant.  I've never had poutine before and so I was a little nervous to try it but it was incredible!  It makes me want to visit Canada even more now.  After having a snack I wanted to get some dinner before heading to the concert venue as I knew I most likely wouldn't eat again for the day.  Thankfully, we found a nearby currywurst stand so I got some of that plus pommes for only 4.50 euro (what a steal amiright).

After eating we decided to head to Mulheim where the concert was that evening as we wanted to get there early to get a nice place to stand.  After taking a hot and crowded subway and a bus, we finally got to E-Werk about an hour and half before the concert was supposed to start.  We only had to wait about 15 minutes before they started letting us in.  Unfortunately, Izzie hadn't bought her ticket yet so she waited outside to see if someone would sell their ticket.  Once inside, Lexie and I were able to find a place to stand on the left side on the 3rd row!  I couldn't believe we were so close.  About 30 minutes before, the first opening act came up to play.  They were called The Night Cafe and they were decent.  Afterwards, Izzie came since she finally got her ticket!  After waiting what seemed like forever the second opening act came out.  They called themselves the Magic Gang and I liked them a lot better.  Finally, around 9 pm The Wombats finally came out!  By that point some girls moved so we were all in the second row!  I was beyond hyped!  I was popping my concert cherry in Europe how lucky am I!  They played "Give Me a Try" right off the bat and I was living my best life at the moment.  Around the half way point some girls moved so we were able to be on the front row!  I was so shook I couldn't believe our luck!  They played 18 songs that night and so many of my favorites.  They ended their show with three of my favorite songs: "Turn", "Tokyo - Vampires and Wolves", and "Greek Tragedy."  I was on cloud nine.  Such an amazing night.  After the concert ended we were lucky enough to end up with a copy of their set list!  After waiting for the crowds to die down we decided to head back to Bonn.  Thankfully, we were able to catch a quick train back to Bad Godesberg and I was able to get back home by 1:00 am.  I was exhausted but so happy from such an amazing day.

Today I got up and went to Starbucks to work on my Pharmacology presentation some more.  I added a few more slides and wrote out what I am going to say for tomorrow, so I feel as if I have prepared as much as I can.  Now I'm back home and trying to relax before my week of hell begins bright and early tomorrow.  I will discuss this upcoming week plus Big Event this weekend on my next blog post.

Until then,


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