This week for the program was very sporadic and insane. We arrived in Barcelona and I loved the food and weather as expected. As we came back to the hotel room for our second day my nose began bleeding uncontrollably. I had to go to the emergency room twice in Barcelona very late at night. The doctor had shoved a huge tamponade up my nose that was extremely painful.
During my stay at the ER in Barcelona I knew I had to return back to Bonn and get to Dr. Wasser. It was around two in the morning in the ER and I had booked the next flight to Cologne. I met Dr. Wasser at the airport in Cologne and I was extremely light headed and felt like fainting. I was rushed to the ER in Bonn and was treated immediately and the cause of my nose bleed was unknown.
My nose would not stop bleeding so I was admitted to the Uniklinik in Bonn for observation. The doctors inserted another tamponade in my nose that filled both my nostrils and I could not breathe out my nose for three days. My stay at the hospital was lonely but Dr. Wasser was with me majority of the time. I cannot thank Dr. Wasser enough for the love and care he gave me, I owe him a great debt. I was shortly discharged out of the hospital and my nosebleeds had stopped.
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