Saturday, January 26, 2013

So Much in Such a Short Time

This morning I woke up and could actually see the sun outside my window.  I sat for a moment amazed, thinking, "It's been so long since this has happened, I almost can't remember it".  Then I try to think about when the last time actually was and I realize it has only been a few weeks since I was in America.  This fact astounds me. It sure doesn't feel that way.  In these two short weeks so much has happened and life has become so different, that it  is almost impossible for me to fathom being back home.  It would be weird to be somewhere where everyone speaks my language, where I wouldn't have to wear 5 layers of clothing to be warm, where there's whataburger and taco bell everywhere, where I would drive my big American gas guzzler, and where I could watch my precious Netflix (I really miss Netflix). I miss all these things (as well as my family and my dogs), but part of me doesn't in a way. It is starting to become second nature to hop on the bus and go anywhere in the area.  I'm getting used to communicating in my special hand sign german-english mix.  I can finally order food and beer, lots of beer, without issue and I can navigate the city without getting lost.  I know where some good places to go for food are and I know where to go for clothes and stuff.  I feel like I'm finally over the hard part of figuring life out here and I love it.   Yes, the novelty of being here is wearing off and I get frustrated at times, like when I realize how much more everything costs here or when I just can't communicate how I would want to.  However, I feel that getting past the novelty will allow me to dig deeper and will let me truly explore what Bonn has to offer.

That's all for now.  Cliff and I are going to eat at this amazing breakfast place we found, and then it's time for the gym.

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