Saturday, January 12, 2013

T-Minus 42 Hours Until Takeoff

As the countdown to my departure draws close to zero I am confronted with a variety of emotions.  I am excited to get back to school but dreading the loss of my free time.  I can't wait to jump on that plane and take off for a new country but am nervous about leaving the comfort of what is familiar to me at home.  The more I prepare for takeoff the longer my to-do list seems to get, but with each item I add to or take from the list my excitement builds.  I have traveled abroad and to Germany before but never for more than a week or two so I look forward to being fully immersed in the culture for a much longer duration.  In fact, that may be one of the things I am looking forward to most.  I was raised to never be afraid to try new things so I am readying myself to fully embrace this experience. 

Some of the aspects of German culture that I am most looking forward to include: cuisine, language, transportation, and weather (which I am simultaneously anxious about).  All said and done, I am looking forward to an incredible trip where I hope to learn and grow a lot inside and outside of the classroom.  Which means the only thing I have left to say is: T-Minus 42 hours until take off!!

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