Hallo aus Deutschland!
That means hello from Germany! :) Well to begin, this is my very first blog. I just recently found out the the students were meant to be writing two blogs each week since we first departed from the states. :o I am definitely behind! I sincerely do not know where to even begin. My third week in Deutschland is about to begin, but I feel I have done so much already! So since I've arrived, one particular thought has been bothering me, how on earth did the states come up with the name Germany, instead of calling it by the real name, Deutschland. So I just did some little research. Deutschland is named by several different names in different languages such as Germany (English), Alemania (Spanish), Allemagne (French), Niemcy (Polish), and so on. So the English name, Germany, was derived from the romantic language, or should we say latin speakers. Basically the Romans wanted a way to identify tribes who spoke a germanic language, deriving with the word Germani. Also, a german tribe that existed during the roman times was called Alemanni, hence why Spanish calls them 'Alemania' and French 'Allemagne'. The explanation is a bit confusing. But in the end, Deutschland, derived from ancient Germanic word of Deutsch, meaning of the people. The old root word has a few differentiations but is associate with
teuta. This differentiated Germanic tribes from non-Germanic tribes. Who was of our people and who wasn't. There is much more to the explanation that it is a bit hard to compress into one summary but it is quite interesting to read upon. (:
So I haven't really spoken about my experience in Deutschland, but if I can sum it up in one word, it would be 'adventurous'. Ever since I have arrived, each and every day has been a small adventure. I cannot express enough how many times I have felt lost, or missed the bus by a few seconds, or can never get the right train, or be late to something. I consider myself a procrastinator, but one thing I am is I am a punctual person. However, since I gotten here, I been late several times to some events. I really try hard not to, but small things happen. I have an understanding that German people consider being on time five minutes before the arrival time and I will achieve that -.- Last week was better, and this week will be perfect! Is all part of the experience. Don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking in a negative way, but it is interesting being lost in a country you don't know the surrounds or the language. It is quite invigorating! I have to have a boring day. I might keep getting things wrong, but it is all a trial and error. Such as yesterday, a few days ago I had bought a frozen pepperoni pizza so when my host mother wasn't here I could cook it for myself. But I couldn't help but notice that we didn't have a freezer, oh so I thought, so I put it on the fridge. That very same night, I discover my host family are muslims, so they don't eat pork. NOW, I definitely did NOT want to take out the pizza with my family present. However, a frozen dish should not be in the refrigerator and well my host mother found it! I felt very embarrassed especially when she said our freezer was downstairs. Now for today, I had no class, but my roommate did, Jessica. Yesterday, she was cooped up in her room all day, catching up on homework, and getting all her work done. Well today, in her way to catch the bus to school, she slipped on ice, and fell on her tail bone. We supposedly bought, Doc Martens boots to help us not slip on this weather yet they failed her -.- She came home because she was in great pain, my poor roomie. Fortunately, she is feeling better, but you never know if she could had severely hurt something inside. She really scared me.... I just hope, she didn't damage something in the interior. Get Better Bestie! <3 Ich liebe Dich!

So thats all for now. There is still quite a bit I have omitted, well actually, quite a lot and I will write very soon! :) Tschüs!!!
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