Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Adventure Time!

As I start packing, the realization starts setting in. Store after store, I'm running around trying to buy all the last minute necessities for my 'adventure'. Time is running short, and it'll be here soon. It being my voyage, my odyssey. Both feel like accurate words to describe this Germany Biosciences Study Abroad Program. A new land, new people, venturing into the unknown and into Europe - the land of history. I'm exceptionally excited for this new experience.
The hardest part so far seems to be saying goodbye; to my dogs! and I frantically hug them every hour or so. My friends and family ask me about the experience, what I hope to get out of it, if I speak German (which my only response is nein!) and I don't really know what exactly to expect. This last summer I went on an 'adventure', but it was still in the US. I didn't think I'd grow and learn from that adventure but I did grow and learn tremendously. So if that much can happen inland, then I can't imagine what I could learn or how I could grow in Germany! And that's why I'm excited! The unknown - not so much about Europe being unknown to me, as there are plenty of people that know Europe. But I'm excited about the unknown of myself. How much will I learn, grow, change for the better?
And how will my engineering classes be when taken out of Texas A&M and placed in the heart of Europe? Still boring? Probably not.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time Robert! Looking forward to more of your blog posts!
