Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Come Fly With Me"


"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away."  

That is all I want to do right now. After trying to get everything I'm going to need for the trip thought of, bought, prepared, together, packed (still only partly done) and accounted for I am exhausted of the planning phase of this trip. My to-do list is now down from 5 pages to only 2 items(after this Blog only 1, yayy!) and I am so ready to get on that plane! Yes, I'm nervous and am honestly probably going to get homesick at some point but right now the excitement of it all is pretty much dominating my emotions. In Bonn I will be staying with a host family who I've already gotten to talk and they seem wonderful! I'm sure it will be a great experience. Bonn itself from what I've heard is awesome and getting to explore it and all of the surrounding areas for the next four months is going to be a blast! 
I've always loved learning about new and different cultures and this is probably the best opportunity I'll ever get for that. It seems like our itinerary includes a little taste of everything from an theater production to a soccer game to a trip to the beautiful city of Vienna and even Carnival (from what I understand AKA German Mardi Gras). We even get 12 German language lessons. Who knows, I may come home speaking a new language! Whether I do or not, I really can't wait to see how much I learn and grow from this experience and will keep everyone updated! The only thing left to do now is to finish packing SOOO...

"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly. Pack up, let's fly away!"

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