Sunday, January 13, 2013


My new year's resolution was to be more organized with my time...
Maybe I'll make it to February next year. I'm boarding my plane to Germany in less than 12 hours, and I still need to finish packing.
I had planned to start packing two days ago (Friday), because I wanted to go to College Station and see all the friends I would not see until May or later. I had not seen most of them since school got out for winter break, and I was already missing them, so we scheduled a party for Thursday the 10th. This promised to be a great time and an epic good-bye.
The party was awesome. Everyone had a great time (duh, cake), and I'm proud to say I "wrecked shop" at all the party's activities in feats of accuracy with ping pong balls and quarters.
People say that time flies when you're having fun. Well, this party must have been loads of fun, because time, as I remember, did not just fly but seemed to skip chunks of hours that night.
The next day I did not go home in the morning like I had planned, because I got out of bed at 3 pm., but instead called up my College Station friends, and told them I would stay the day - Surprise! - but I would leave at night. The good-bye this time was a card-game. I won and someone said that the luck was a good sign for what was to happen in Germany. We saw then saw Promised Land which was a bit disappointing. I did not leave Friday night.
Saturday, I excused another day of stay in college station on the count of rain. We played Risk for about 4 hours, and then poker. I lost - I don't want to use up all my good luck before I get to Germany - but we all had a good time until 4am when I said goodbye again. 
This morning - the night before the flight to Germany, I woke up at 10am. already freaking out that I would not have time to pack and get everything ready before I left from Houston.
I woke up my roomies, as they requested, to tell them I was leaving. They convinced me to go to Sweet Eugenes to get some coffee and a doughnut before I drove to Cypress and packed. How could I resist?
I got home at 2pm and took a nap 'till I heard my mom rooting for the Texans. Of course I couldn't miss the game. It ended up being hard to watch.
I started packing after the game, but I took a break to write on this blog.
I should get back to packing. It might take all night, but over all, it's been a great weekend,

I regret nothing!
Francisco Nunez

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