Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week 3

This week was a pretty eventful one.

On Friday we selected our initial groups for the project. I wound up in "team Creativity" dubbed thus, by Mitchell, because we consider ourselves to be lacking anyone particularly creative in our group. The group includes myself, Mitchell, Artavia, and Katie. I think that other than the already noted deficiency in creativity we'll make a good team.

On Sunday we went to a Fussball game in Leverkusen. It was quite an experience to see how German fans came out to support their teams. The Mains fans in particular were impressively energetic. They'd brought a number of drums and maintained their cheers and chants through practically the entire game. Despite their support though the Mains team got pretty solidly beat, as was expected I believe. That was kind of a bummer considering how hyped up their fans had been, but I guess fans don't win games.

On Monday our second, and first really challenging, homework assignment for 211 was due. With the exception of the Fussball game I spent most of the weekend just trying to get that done, and stayed up quite late Sunday night after the game finishing it. Even after that though, in the morning Lexie pointed out some mistakes I had made that luckily I had the time to correct before turning it in.

Tuesday was an early morning so we could make our flight to Vienna. I think by the end of Tuesday we were all pretty much dead tired. We did however get to meet the illustrious Dr. Schnabel, a Viennese plague doctor and good friend of Dr. Wasser, who led us on a walking tour/lecture on the history of medicine in Vienna. We were also subjected to the ministrations of his 'historic' medicine, of which the cloves and first drought weren't bad. Ironic considering the first drought was supposed to consist of the urine of young boys! The second drought however, the concoction used by the grave robbers who had somehow avoided infection was something awful. It consisted largely of vinegar and other things which certainly didn't improve its flavour. While on this tour we also went into the nicest lecture hall I think I am ever likely to see, in which we were introduced to the interesting style of fresco painting common in Vienna that produced the illusion of a curved ceiling on a flat one.

On Wednesday me and Jack went to a Flogging Molly concert which was a great time. They played both our favorite songs, although Jack insists his was better received. Unfortunately we didn't get to participate in the pits because all the standing tickets had been sold out but we were given a birds eye view of how whenever someone finished a beer they would chuck the almost empty cup in the general direction of the pits, showering everyone on the way with foam. At first we tried to keep count of how many were thrown, but during "Drunken Lullabies" we rapidly lost count. We also relentlessly made fun of the opening act, Glen Matlock, who is apparently the former bassist from the Sex Pistols.

Upon returning from the concert we found out that that the students in 308 had been assigned homework that was then due on Friday. So Jack, Ibokunoluwa, and Lexie set to work on that. Being that I didn't have 308 but I figured I could help I just worked on some 211 HW with them. We stayed up til some time after 1:00 at which point I went to bed, but they kept at it for some hours more. When Jack returned to the room I apparently just grunted at him incoherently in response to the light being too bright but I was well asleep at that point.

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