Monday, February 12, 2018

Karneval was a blast!

Howdy folks! This last week was incredible. We started off slow because of classes lasting from morning to evening Monday-Wednesday because karneval was upon us!! By the way that isn't incorrect spelling that is how they spell it here! Karneval starts on Thursday at 11:11 and that goes way back to when the females wanted to stop washing clothes and party. They stormed the gates of the mayor's office and took control of the government for a few days meaning that they could do whatever they wanted. So tie and shoelace cutting is very common doing that time but generally the girl kisses the guy on the cheeks afterwards so it's not to bad haha. On Thursday we traveled to Beuel where the first parade was held and it was super exciting with everyone yelling camella (think that's how you say that) at the top of their lungs which means candy. During and after the parade which ended around 12-1 P.M. everyone started drinking. Bars and stores were open selling alcohol while every restaurant besides McDonalds and Subway were closed. Everyone was getting so drunk so fast I was shocked.
     Saturday was an adventure on it's own. We went a little ways away from Bonn to walk through a park with animals that I believe were native to the land. Amazing park that I would recommend if you want to relax and pet some of the animals.
     On Sunday we decided to be part of another parade that was marching through Bonn and boy that was exciting. We filled an entire van with candy and everyone on the team we were walking with were asking if I was part of the American team. They then asked if I was going to take my shirt off like a pervious person last year who everyone in Germany seems to know. What a big reputation to live up too. Afterwards we took a tour of the retirement home for the elderly where we socialized and had a little party.
     Monday was extremely fun as well!! We went to Koln where the biggest parade I have ever seen passed by. It was incredible, I've never seen so much candy thrown or flowers given (by the way got a flower from a very pretty girl which was like...). It then started snowing which made everything even more special because it started to stick and the costumes started turning white. All in all it was a great week and am looking forward to see how this week goes!

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