Sunday, January 25, 2015


I am starting to feel like my host family's home is actually home! Which is so nice, but also as the initial newness of my presence in the house wears off, I foresee some challenges. (Not issues or problems, but challenges that I am excited to learn how to overcome!)

Being around tiny humans has been such a strange experience for me. I have never interacted with anyone younger than me significantly in my whole life. They are so volatile. The tiniest human goes from laughing and smiling to crying and screaming and back to laughing literally in a 3 minute time period. This makes me thankful for the stability of emotion I found in post-pubescence. I look at my time with these crazy little animals as a way to gain knowledge and experience so whenever the time comes (much later in life) that I may produce some little humans, I can make an educated decision. I think they are cute, but I cannot really imagine dedicating all of my time and energy and money into little, ungrateful offspring. But I also think reproduction is the most amazing process ever and am wondering if reproducing is a necessary part of living a completely fulfilling life.

On a more strictly academic note, I am starting to feel okay with studying while I'm here in Germany. At first, I was very resistant to the idea of wasting time behind a textbook while I'm in Europe, but I'm starting to find classes interesting and am trying to look at class as just another part to my overall intellectual development that I seek while I'm here in Germany.

I am looking forward to so many things right now! I am excited and thankful. Lastly, I am so happy that I am starting to become more comfortable with the other people in the program. I foresee many fun times with this select group of Aggie friends.

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