Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I am finally starting to settle in here in Bonn and am realizing that I am here for about 3.5 more months which gives me mixed emotions because inevitably i will start to miss home but I also am loving every minute of this experience so far. Classes have started to pile up and assign homework which isn't my favorite thing but I am getting through it and still having time to hang out on the weekends. My and Zach's host family went on holiday for a week so we were 'orphaned' for a little bit but we survived and I am glad that they are back (mostly because they cook really good food for us) and that we get to spend more time with them because they are very fun. This weekend it snowed during the entrire AIB hike which was suuper fun (and also we 'won' the 'group introduction' with our performance of TchüssTchüssTchüss!) Yesterday we went to Cologne and the first thing that you see when you come out of the train station is the enormous looming cathedral.

This building is the most intimidating yet beautiful and intricate cathedrals I have ever seen in my life and was amazing to see. It is kind of like Kyle Field in CStat because you can see it from anywhere but the cathedral is over 150 meters tall which is just a little difference. Next week we are going to Vienna and after the trip over the weekend a bunch of people and I are going to Budapest which I am really excited about. I am not sure exactly what we are going to see yet but we are going to stay in a hostel which will definitely be a new experience for me. I am beginning to pick up a little bit more german as well but it is still a very hard language so I have to build on the words I already know...Tchüss!

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