Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 10: Back in Germany

Week 10:  The most PERFECT week in Germany


This week was spent happily in Germany. I started off Monday flying in from Italy and spending a long school day at the AIB with little sleep. I ended up taking an awesome 3 hour nap on the couch and missing my genetics class based on the fact that Texas had daylight savings and we didn’t. The day was cut short because of this, but it meant I could go home sooner and show my host mother and sister my spring break pictures. We talked for a long time that night catching each other on the past two weeks and it was very a lovely time.

On Wednesday, I saw a cool surgery with Brynn at the Uniklinik and it reminded me why I’m studying what I study. Every time I go inside an operating room, I feel excited and know I am meant to be somewhere like this in the future. We saw a young man with a mediastinal mass get opened up and a tissue sample of the mass removed to further test its origin and find the proper treatment for his cancer. It was a sad ending because we found out the mass was inoperable and the man did not have a long life expectancy, and on top of that, was expecting a child with his wife. Medicine does not always a happy ending and it’s easy to forget this as a student, since we always think about curing people and not the possibility of not being able to help someone. In the end, I felt lucky to be given the opportunity to see the surgery and it was cool to hear about the other surgeries that my classmates got to see.

Later in the week, I had a pharmacology quiz and a genetics test. I think I did well on both… fingers crossed! I have also continued running since I will be partaking in the Bonn marathon in April. Officially, Lexie is my running partner, but she was sick this week so I had to go alone L
On Friday, a lot of us students from AIB and I celebrated the end of the week by going out. We started off the night at Taco bar and there, Katie and I found out that Austin Meils needs a roommate for next year. Then and there we decided that we would all live together, and now I am so happy that I will continue to spend time with these friends once we get back to Texas. It’s something I can look forward, although I am not looking forward to leaving Germany and it seems like the time is going by WAY too quickly.

On Saturday, I went to my host sister’s apartment with Katie, and we spent the night sipping on wine and talking. It was such a nice time bonding with my host sister (she lives in Siegburg at an apartment and studies at the University of Bonn), and we have plans to hang out more this coming week. I think it is important to spend time with my host sisters and make connections with Germans while here, and I think I am doing quite a good job at it! I know that if I end up going to grad school in Germany, I will already have friends here to visit and it’s a wonderful feeling!

Lastly, today Kate and I got coffee at Frank’s coffee shop and then walked around Bonn. We ended up sitting at Hoffgarden for a while, enjoying the sunny weather and making daisy chains. It reminded me of when I was younger in England, sitting on the grass outside of the school making these. It was one of the most perfect days. Later on I facetimed my sister and updated her on my whole spring break up until today. I had a lot to tell her and it was nice to catch up. She told me she wants to start wearing makeup because she stole my clothes from home and feels girly in my clothes, which is hilarious. I’m still shocked but I had to break the bad news that I will take my clothes back when I come back to America. I will also teach her the ways of makeup, so that is another thing to look forward to when coming back.

Anyways, that is the update on this week. I feel like us students are becoming better friends every day and I am also becoming better connected with my host family. I really do love it here and wish the time could just slow down!!

Now, I will start studying for genetics and do some research for enmodes. Thank you for reading!

Bis Spater!

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