Baking A School Sickness
Baking A School Sickness.
This weeks Schedule:
Wednesday- School
Saturday- NO SCHOOL
must i go on....
This week was filled with tons of school work. Next week we have two test and the enmodes presentation. On top of that everyone was getting sick, not just a cold but the full on FLU. I myself have had an on and off cough and mild congestion. Hopefully the flu will not be in my future, thx for the flu shot Carol. In the midst of all the studying, you find new ways to procrastinate. I think I found my new talent and favorite past time BAKING! I baked the most delightful oatmeal raisin cookies! So much that my host family asked when I’ll be baking again. I’ve never been able to cook this because I am great at burning water. But baking is fun because you can walk away you don’t have to stand there over a hot stove and stir the food. Maybe I should drop out and open up a bakery in Europe. Now that’s an idea! One can dream right? This weekend perked up in Berlin. Im so sorry I meant Burrrlin! It was so cold that my fingers turned as red as a tomato. It was a two short days with night trains. But as our tour guide said it’s a town pregnant with history. I can concur on this statement. Although it wasn’t the most beautiful city we have been to, it was the most intriguing city. From the concentration camp to the Berlin Wall. Berlin really had it all! Even though we stress about not having studied for our upcoming test, we learned and experience way much more than in our textbooks!
Favorite quote: “when you start with burning book you end with burning people”
-a foreshadow of events

Thats pretty much it!
Going German
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