Sunday, March 19, 2023

Back from Spain!


            Finally got back from Spain and I have to catch up on the blogging which I can say I am not a fan of them. I wouldn’t say that they are awful but feeling like I need to write them sucks. I enjoy writing and would say that it is something I do from time to time but writing these has been like being put in a classroom in elementary and told to write your morning thoughts, which I hated after the first 3 days.

              Anyway, Spain was great. I got back today on a flight with Peyton and I can say that Ryanair is officially not a flying coffin. They are not the greatest landings I have experienced since these guys think they are landing the damn plane on an aircraft carrier but I can say that we made it back safely and Peyton even got some more leg room which made me jealous since my knees were rubbing the seat in front the entire flight. Maybe I should’ve splurged the extra 4 euro to get the extra leg room. The wakeup for the morning flight which was at 7 am but we had to be there by 5:45 was horrid. Like usual, I had a really tough time waking up and had to get out faster since Peyton was ready and I was taking decades to put my shoes on. Luckily the guy was super nice and I spent the entire time talking with him as he drove us to the airport. He has had a very interesting life and the generational gap was shown greatly and I feel bad for people like him, an artisan of sorts, being pushed out by technology. Hopefully, he will be able to retire soon and accomplish his dreams of moving to the Pyrenees.

              Barcelona was a beautiful city, and I enjoyed the gothic part of the town. However, the best part was the people I got to go with. Everyone on that trip was a great addition and I loved spending time with them, especially when they took me to the first club I have ever gone to. It was interesting and I feel like you have to enjoy dancing or be absolutely plastered to love doing it every night like some friends of mine. In any case, my friends made it a lot better, and it was quite an experience. Unfortunately, while we were there, we had to go to Camp Nou and see that place. If you don’t know, Camp Nou is FC Barcelona’s stadium and as a Real Madrid fan I cannot stand it. However, my family is from there and I had to go take pictures, some good and some bad to send to them.

              Overall, I had a great time and was glad that Peyton could fly into the city and took a chance on coming to Spain, which not many friends would have done, especially with the price of the flights. However, I think that we were able to make her feel welcome and show her the wonders of Spain and the Spanish language which as I have tried to convince her, is much better than the Italian language. I’m glad that I have surrounded myself with good people who are able to make me happy especially on trips like this one.

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