Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wk 11; Back to Bonn

week 11

After spending an entire week in Spain, I was looking forward to getting back to my regular routine once I got back to Bonn. 
At this point in my study abroad experience in Bonn, I have been able to locate my preferred locations throughout the city. On a typical day, I get up, have breakfast, and then begin making my way to Konrad-adenauer-Platz to board tram 66 and make my way to the Aib. There is nothing unusual about this week, as usual go to school and after school go studyin front of the Rhine or go to the library at the University of Bonn. My weekend, on the other hand, turned out to be quite interesting because I chose to spend it in London💂💃 with my friend Claudia, who had been in Spain for the previous week. We went to see some of the sights that London had to offer. 
During my time there, I went to the Elizabeth tower, the National Museum, the London Eye, and China Town in London, the Buckingham palace, etc...  It was unquestionably an experience, and I cherished each and every one of the moments that made up my time there. 💙💂
(I thought it would be nice to add my bereals hehe) don't forget to add me (@celewele)😏😉


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