I know I said last week went by really fast, but this week went by SO FAST. All we did was work on Enmodes. On Monday, I had classes in the morning and then worked on Enmodes in the afternoon till 18:30. On Tuesday, Erin and I got to school and worked on Enmodes from 8:00 to 20:00. On Wednesday, we worked from 8:00 to 23:30. Same for Thursday. It was a busy week. My group worked well together and I am proud of what we came up with. On Friday, I woke up exhausted but ready to present. We presented in Aachen and it went very well. They were very impressed with our design and even complimented something that I worked hard on. After, we had a long group lunch in Aachen and then I fell asleep on the way home. On Saturday, we had charity day. At first, I was dreading this day because I was exhausted and had too much to study, but it forced me to have a relaxing day. We went to the youth farm and painted some buildings. After, Pat, Peyton, and I went to a burger place in Siegburg. It was good, just not as good as Burgermanufakturer. On our way back, Peyton and I stopped in H&M. We got some cute stuff for warmer weather, and I am excited to wear all of my warm clothes again. On Sunday, we studied all day. We started off in Starbucks and then went to the AiB. This coming week will also consist of a lot of studying. I have my 3rd physiology exam, my 4th signals exam, my physiology final, my German final, and my math final the following Monday. So close to finishing the semester!!!! Although I have to study a lot, I want to enjoy the last week we have here in Germany. I can't believe it’s almost over.
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