Thursday, March 3, 2016

Surgeries and Other Daily Happenings

Hello again! Even though my last blog post was only yesterday I still have lots to catch up on and tell you about. Firstly, I need to tell you about the opportunity we got to observe surgeries at the Bonn Uniklinik. I’d seen surgeries with animals before, but to see a human surgery was very surreal for me. We went into our first surgery and I see a man already sedated on the operating table and I immediately tell Shelby, “That’s not a dog on that table.” It felt out of place, almost, to see a human on the operating table, but I quickly adjusted. 

This first surgery was a hernia repair, which didn’t last too long. Shelby and I weren’t able to see too much and we didn’t really know what was going on. But we were able to see a lot during the next surgery. This next surgery, an explorative lobotomy, was unfortunate in that it was for a woman with stage 4 colon cancer. The purpose of the surgery was to see how far the cancer had spread, and depending on what they found they had a few options. We aren’t sure how the surgery ended because we had to leave, but we were there while they had to remove her ovary. 

This surgery was also more interesting because the surgeons were a lot more talkative. Before this surgery, we were only talking to the anesthesiologist, who was friendly and pointed out the best places for us to stand. Our surgeons asked where we were from and then the next statement they had, of course, was about Donald Trump. It’s been pretty surprising and disappointing to see that Germans are more informed than the average American might be. They also tried to teach us some medical related terms, but we didn’t understand much considering we haven’t taken a histology course. 

It was such a great experience, getting to go see surgeries in Germany. Another thing I wanted to talk about was just my daily routine, since it seems I’ve only made time to discuss the bigger trips we’ve had. We don’t have a set or repetitive class schedule, but my day will look something like this. 

- wake up( this could be anywhere between 7:30 to 10:30am)
- eat a piece of toast with nutella if I’m not pressed for time
- walk 5min to the bus stop
- wait and observe any passerby, especially the adorable children in their puffy coats
- get on the bus and sit in the middle right
- get out How to Kill a Mockingbird  from my backpack and read until I hear “Bonn Hauptbahnhof”
       maybe an occasional glance out the window to view the scenery 
- walk off the bus and try to cross streets without getting hit by a car
- try to walk on the sidewalk without getting hit by a car
- admire the beautiful collection of fresh flowers near H&M
- go to the “Voigt” bakery and order “zwei kasebrotchen bitte”
- hand said kasebrotchen to someone on the street if there is anyone and save the other for my breakfast
- get to the AiB building, drop off my backpack, get coffee in the lobby, and return to my seat for class and proceed to drink coffee and eat kasebrotchen 
- during breaks ask if anyone wants to go to Netto(the discount market)
- go to market and get some sour cream and onion chips and an orange fanta
- come back to class
- maybe stay after and plan any weekend trips coming up
- walk to the bus stop and wait till bus comes, ride bus home-read To Kill A Mocking Bird
       although, I just finished it today, so I’ll have to find another book
- do some homework or netflix, usually netflix comes first
- have dinner with Host mom - home-cooked meal, yay!
- wrap up dinner and go to my room and Facetime a friend
- maybe watch some more netflix and head to bed excited for the next day.

This schedule is always subject to change, in fact I’ve started running this week in order to train for the Bonn Marathon that’s coming in mid-April. Don’t be too impressed, I’m not running the marathon, but the relay, which will be an accomplishment for me.

That’s all for now! Next post is probably going to be about our trip to Amsterdam, so there’s that to look forward to.

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