Sunday, March 20, 2016

I ate my body weight in gelato and it was worth it.

      Well.. Where to begin. SPRING BREAK WAS SO FREAKING GREAT. I have officially begun packing my bags to move to Italy tomorrow. Italy is the most beautiful and amazing country. There is so much history behind every city and the people are so nice. I have so much to say about each place so I am going to break this up into sections. 
MILANO: Milan was just as I imagined it to be. Although we only spent a couple of days there, we saw some pretty awesome stuff. To start off the trip, we walked to the top of the Milano Doumo. The roof was so sunny and warm and we had the best view of the city. There is nothing quite like standing on the roof of a cathedral, looking over a beautiful city, thanking God for the opportunity he gave you. {BTW I learned never to trust Blake when he says "Hey I have a canal to show you".. Blake dictionary: canal (n.): very small puddle filled with trash and broken umbrellas.}
FIRENZE: Florence was the perfect Italian town. When you think of the picturesque Italian city with the tan houses and street markets and gelato places, you think of Florence. We got to tour the cathedral which was awe-inspiring and we went to the best look out spot ever. We hiked up this hill (which was quite the struggle after all of the gelato) and when we got to the top, you could see everything. We had a perfect view of the river, the cathedral, the castle.. Everything. It was one of those moments when you just have to put down the camera and take it all in. Lo and I stayed up on that hill for at least thirty minutes just standing in silence taking it all in. In Florence, I also realized how awesome of a friend Lauren is. I could not be more thankful for her. She constantly pushes me to grow in my faith and to become the best person I can be. 
ROMA: Rome most definitely was my favorite stop of our adventure. Rome has so much history and culture. It is unreal. You stand in the Colosseum and look around at the amazing architecture and craftsmanship that went in to the building of this massive structure and you can't even speak. It is awesome. Although our tour guide wasn't the best, we still learned so much about the history of the Colosseum and the crazy things that happened there. The Roman Forum was probably my favorite part of the trip. We just walked through these ancient ruins of the most beautiful city in the world... We played "don't step in the lava" on ancient Roman stones and saw the burial cite of Julius Caesar (on the anniversary of his death I may add). We also walked around and saw the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and the Spanish Steps. These places are so well preserved; it's crazy. I am still amazed by the things I saw. 
SORRENTO: Sorrento was a town of relaxation and beauty. Our trip pretty much consisted of doing spur of the moment things and loving every second of it. We had a cute little air B&B in the center of town and had access to everything. The people were so hospitable and welcoming. The last day, we went to this little cove on the coast and walked through ruins, looked out over the city of Sorrento and swam in freezing cold water. Even though I may have lost a couple of toes in the process, the swim was totally worth it. 
      Over this trip I kind of had a religious awakening. I know that may sound weird to some people, but I all of the sudden just felt such a strong connection to God. I felt so at ease and loved. From that moment forward, I just felt like I could do anything and I just wanted to worship Him and spread the word of God. I am hoping that He will speak through me during my last few weeks here in Germany, so that I spread His word. I am so thankful for the opportunity He has given me, and I am finally seeing why he faced me with the challenges of this trip. 
      I have one final thing to say:
Hello. Please. Give me money. Thank you very much. Please.

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